Type Arabic Anywhere!


Write Arabic anywhere on the web using Yamli’s Smart Arabic Keyboard Plugin.
It’s Free!

Click Here to Download the Yamli Plugin for Chrome

Type Arabic Without Installing Anything!


Go to http://www.yamli.com/arabic-keyboard/ and start typing
It’s that easy !
Published in: on December 7, 2013 at 9:32 AM  Leave a Comment  
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Phonetic Keyboard For Mac Users

1. Select => System preferences => Text & Languages => language: Have العربيه in the list of languages (Can add or remove a language from “Edit list” button at the bottom of list)
2. Select => System preferences => Text & Languages => Input sources:
3. There are three selections for Arabic input:
• Arabic
• Arabic – Pc
• Arabic – QWERTY

Select the last option “Arabic-QWERTY” for Phonetic Keyboard.

Arabic Phonetic Keyboard for Windows


Download The Arabic Phonetic Keyboard

Instructions To Install:

  1. Download above file.
  2. Extract the installation package from fbarab.zip with winzip or any similar program.
  3. Run fbarab.exe to install the Arabic keyboard layouts.
  4. Restart Windows.
  5. Load the keyboard layouts:
    1. Click on the Start button.
    2. Click on Control Panel.
      • The Control Panel is directly accessible in the standard Start menu but it is inside Settings in the classic Start menu.
    3. Click on “Date, Time, Language and Regional Options.”
    4. Select the “Add other languages” task.
      • Or click on “Regional and Language Options” and select the Languages tab.
    5. Check the “Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages” option and click on the Apply button.
    6. Click Yes when you are asked to restart Windows.
    7. Go to “Add other languages” again and click on the Details button.
    8. Click on the Add button.
    9. Select Arabic in the drop-down list of input languages and select Arabic ASDF Eastern or Arabic ASDF Western in the drop-down list of keyboard layouts.
    10. Click OK as many times as you are prompted to and then close “Date, Time, Language and Regional Options.”

    Source: http://zsigri.tripod.com/fontboard/arabic.html

Published in: on September 27, 2012 at 11:47 AM  Leave a Comment  
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